Sunday, April 17, 2011

fall seven times, stand up eight.

Yesterday, swimsuit shopping was actually kind of an inspiration to me. Of course my aunt called me fat the whole time, and I looked like I weighed 3,000 pounds in all of the swim suits, but I found one that was really cute. Which made me want to lose a bunch of weight to look better in it once summer gets here.

Today I'm home "sick". I have something called GERD that makes me throw up a lot of the time. So when I want excuses to not eat, or to get out of going to places, then I just say it's from GERD. Plus, it gives me excuses to throw up nasty food I've eaten.

Thinspo of today (:
Mila Kunis & Heather Morris.
You might recognize Mila from That 70's Show & Black Swan.
Heather from Glee.
Neither of them are Ana, but they're both really thin, and fit. (Heather is a dancer/choreographer) Sometimes it's nice for me to have thinspo of people who aren't necessarily anorexic. & They're both fun celebritites from shows we all know & love (: Well at least I LOVE them!

&& Betty:
Thanks hun (: That made me feel a bunch better. & You're right. My aunt's a bigger fat ass than I am. Lol.


  1. I love Mila Kunis!! Made my day hon :) and yay for swim suit inspiration! <3

  2. see? most fat people call thin(ner) people "fat" to make themselves feel better about their ugly bodies. so fuck her ;)

    as above said: yay for the swimsuit inspiration! i got a pants-inspiration :D
